$64.99 $55.24
Hoping to be together forever? Whether you'd like to send a message of love to a favorite beau, best friend or family member, this charming, crimson-hued bouquet – delivered in a special Teleflora cube vase – will be a lovely sentiment of your affection. A mix of roses, carnations and more in shades of red and pink accented with greenery is delivered in a red glass Teleflora cube vase. A mix of roses, carnations and more in shades of red and pink accented with greenery is delivered in a red glass Teleflora cube vase. A mix of roses, carnations and more in shades of red and pink accented with greenery is delivered in a red glass Teleflora cube vase. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_T05N430A – Together Forever – Multi – Flower Delivery, Deluxe Arrangement
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